
Fibabanka Campaign Management Project

Project Definition

Fibabanka needed a campaign management application within the scope of effective and centralized management of Campaign and Communication processes. Fibabanka, a bank that prioritizes digitalization and strategically focuses on growth through digital channels, has decided to implement the Unica project in order to strengthen its technological infrastructure also for the campaign management. The integration of the Unica platform consisted of two phases.

  • In the first phase, integration of batch/outbound (SMS, e-mail, Push, Telemarketing) channels
  • In the second phase, integration of digital channels (Internet, Mobile), IVR, Call Center was carried out.

At the end of the project all teams were trained about; product features and about what was done during the integration process depending on their roles.

Before and After the Project

Campaign preparation processes for outbound campaigns consisted of many manual steps while inbound campaigns in digital channels could be provided only with IT dependency. With the manual campaign process, there were too many steps to be followed to present a campaign to the customer and the success of the campaign could not be measured afterwards. Communication could only be made for outbound channels (except Push), and campaign definitions for inbound channels needed to be developed for each campaign.

Achievements at the end of the Project

Time needed for campaign preparation was reduced & Campaign Communication has improved

In the past, only a few campaigns could be run per day due to the manual target audience preparation processes, but after Unica integration, dozens of campaigns are triggered automatically per day. Thus, much better efficiency was achieved in the operational processes of the campaign teams, who can now take faster actions and respond to demands much quicker.

Inbound (Online) Channels are activated

In the old system, an infrastructure where bank CRM teams could make inbound campaigns did not exist. Only static campaigns which were built by coding could be offered. This costly process which was also a burden on the IT team changed after Unica project. By using Unica screens, campaigns can be built quickly for inbound channels. Costs have been reduced for both business units and IT.

Omni-channel Customer Experience is Provided

Instead of independent channel structures, a customer experience that provides end-to-end integrity was created.

Centralized Campaign Management

Thanks to the integration of channels, central campaign management has been achieved. The information about customers’ campaign views (contact) and responses (acceptance, rejection, etc.) can now be followed from a standard and centralized structure. The performance of all campaigns and offers can be tracked through reports and record histories.

Easier Data Access and Audience Preparation

Before the project, campaign audiences were prepared by creating queries, without the interfaces to access the tables. In the Unica application, it is possible to access all needed data sources quickly with the help of interfaces, to add/remove new tables, to list the records, and to create the criteria set easily by drag-and-drop structures.

Reduced Operational Transactions

Instead of re-creating campaign flows (segment, blacklist, etc.) again and again, which needs to be used more than once in the system, they can be easily added for new campaigns by copy-pasting and saved in the system, allowing desired changes to be made on them. So repetetive tasks were eliminated for similar opeartions poviding efficiency

“Behind the success of this project lies the Fibabanka`s focus on digitalization and innovations, as well as the technology offered by Unica and the long-standing experience of our team in many different sectors. UNICA platform, combines all corporate campaign processes on a single platform and enables central campaign management by integrating end-to-end multi-channel campaign processes leading to significant reductions in operational transactions. By the help this platform, enterprises are able to implement more campaigns in the same time period according to their customer profiles and behaviors. Thanks to Unica, which provides customers with what they want, customer satisfaction increases significantly as well as sales success.”
“As Fibabanka, with our mission of " delivering the fastest banking service to people ", we have chosen the Unica campaign platform to offer the best products and offers to meet our customers' needs. With Ereteam's experience in this field and its solution-oriented approach that it has always displayed beyond consultancy, we have achieved our project goals at the end of this journey. With the ease of integration, we quickly provided this implementation in many channels. We have made our customers' lives easier by providing the best offer in line with their needs at the right time through these channels. We achieved this by using new data and our analytical models’ outputs in our scenarios. With capibility of campaign performance monitoring, we are able to take new strategic decisions every day in line with our targets. Thanks to Unica, we are able to implement our strategic decisions very quickly.”